Classic Multipurpose Chipboard Screws 3.5mm Diameter

The Classic wood screw is one of the most popular multipurpose wood screws on the market today, with over 4.5 billion screws sold worldwide. Perhaps the biggest reason for this is the versatility and reliability of the Classic wood screw, which allows it to be used in virtually any professional trade application.

The classic screw features a 25° sharp point which allows for fast pick up in soft and hard timber, as well as plastics and thin sheet metals. The special thread configuration provides exception pull out resistance, as well as good hold in timber, chipboard & MDF. The classic screw has a double countersunk head for a neat finish, anywhere. The classic screw comes countersunk and is available in yellow, bright zinc plate and black.

Partially threaded from 70mm.

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Classic Multipurpose Chipboard Screws 3.5mm Diameter (SCRCLA3.5x)

  • Brand: Timco
  • Product Code:SCRCLA3.5x

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Tags: classic, multipurpose, chipboard, screws, screw, 3.5mm diameter, scrcla3.5x, timco