Visqueen EcoMembrane DPM is manufactured from a minimum 90% recycled polyethylene. The product is black or blue in colour and available in three thicknesses: 0.25mm (4m x 25m) , 0.3mm (4m x 25m) and 0.5mm (4m x 12.5m). All rolls are supplied multi folded.
Please note Ecomembrane is NOT accredited for radon applications. Please use either Visqueen Ultimate RadonBlok600 or Visqueen Radon R400 Membrane.
Features & benefits
BBA certified - third party accreditation
Manufactured using a minimum 90% recycled polyethylene - diverts waste from landfill
Versatile - range of available thicknesses
Ecomembrane (ECO-DPM)
- Brand: Visqueen
- Product Code:VISQECO-DPM
- Download Product Information: Login For Download
Tags: ecomembrane, dpm, damp, proof, membrane eco-dpm, visqueen protection visqeco-dpm